Smith is a growing organization looking to identify excellent consulting talent.
Successful candidates for employment with Smith typically have at least 10 years of communication experience. We seek out the rare communicator who combines exceptional creativity, a passion for technical details and a dedication to superb client service. In addition, we greatly value strong organizational and project management skills and an entrepreneurial spirit. Strong portfolio samples of previous work and an outstanding employment background are a must.
All our partners and associates have undergraduate degrees in relevant fields and many hold graduate degrees in areas such as business administration, mass communication, social media, education and art design.
Some firms call them internships; we prefer the old school term used among artisans and craftspeople⏤apprenticeships. Smith apprentices have the opportunity to see operational aspects of a growing management consulting firm. We welcome candidates from a variety of educational and professional backgrounds. Usually, our Smith apprentices are working toward undergraduate or graduate degrees in related communication or business areas. However, we also employ working professionals who seek an opportunity to investigate a new field of work.
If you are interested in learning more about employment opportunities with our firm, please contact our Managing Partner at the following address.
Smith Communication Partners
79 West Paces Ferry Road NW
Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30305