Smith (smĭth) n., a craftsperson or artisan. A recognized specialist in a field that often requires years of apprenticeship to reach status or title. A communication expert.
Slow loading and reaction speeds feel excruciating to users, causing them to abandon a site prematurely out of frustration. Optimizing speed is not only good practice, it’s essential.
As a general design principle, eliminating “interaction friction” means fewer steps, smoother transitions and less computation, all leading to using less energy and generating less heat/friction.
It’s not an accident that Pantone turned to the traditional half-mourning color. Elaborate Victorian grieving conventions adopted the use of shades of purple to signal the passage from grief to a resumption of life.
Interlocking rings express the unifying vision of the games. Each individual ring maintains its integrity as it links together into a freshly defined and expanded whole. None of the rings is forced to lose its integrity, nor is any ring greater than the collective whole.
Isn’t it time we change healthcare delivery in America? Shouldn’t we be focusing our healthcare delivery services to prevent illness instead of just treating the sick?
When employee surveys suffer from reduced participation, disengaged responses and false data points, the culprit is likely survey fatigue rather than the quality of the survey architecture.